Portugal will invest seriously in the biodegradable waste
The fate given to the garbage we produce at home will change substantially in the coming years.
At different rates and conditions, as they live in more or less urbanized areas, the Portuguese will have to learn to separate better and, especially, to stop looking just at plastic, cardboard and glass packaging.
Our organic waste, usually deposited in the so-called “undifferentiated waste” has a huge potential for recovery, and of the € 700 million of investments planned for this sector in the coming years, over 400 million will be used to capture this potential, reducing to a minimum fraction what goes to landfill.
At a time when, in Europe and Portugal, the Circular Economy was on the agenda - forcing as much of our “trash” as possible to be seen as a resource to reintroduce into the economic circuit - to separate the so-called Biodegradable Urban Waste (RUB), removing them from what we call undifferentiated garbage has multiple positive impacts.
The PERSU 2020+ points to investment estimates of 477.5 to 700 million euros in the sector, most of which by 2023, when European targets tighten again compared to the current ones.
Source: Público